The American Redoubt & Liberal Preppers? What Did You Just Say?
This site is not meant to be political or controversial in any way and I had more or less promised myself that I wouldn’t do this but I just can’t help it. I found this story while reviewing American Redoubt and survivalist websites and laughed so hard it hurt! Really? Liberal Preppers? What Did I Just Say? My how things have changed…
Liberal Preppers Stock Up On Guns & Food As Trumpocalypse Looms
As I spent a little time and did a google for “liberal preppers” I was utterly amazed at the results. Hundreds of news stories, websites, BLOGS, POD Casts on and on. It’s fun to go from one story about an LP (liberal prepper) that just “thinks it makes sense to be prepared” to the rantings of another LP that this will all come down to Trump doing something crazy and unexpected. VERY entertaining but at the same time it makes me wonder; would some of them head to the American Redoubt? I truly doubt it but there is always that chance… Makes ya think doesn’t it?
So it seems that the tables have turned and now there are those on the left that “feel” as if the world may come crashing down around them. Suddenly they see the sense in having food, medicine and the ability to defend yourself. That “secure feeling” that comes from knowing that you should do OK if things, for whatever reason, take a hard tun to Hades.
Most interesting of all is that they find themselves doing exactly what they have mocked and derided for years; in this case getting ready for the SHTF days that are coming… WOW, Liberal Preppers; ya just gotta laugh and go back to work…