I’m bored with showing me cutting and stripping and burning so decided to post up a small selection of pictures, mainly from my trail cameras from here in the property. So here you go, oldest to newest… BTW, use your “back button” if you click to expand the images… Just saying…

Turkey have been a common sight here in the panhandle, this pic I enjoyed because it caught this Hen in flight.

Sometimes LOTS of Turkey show at any one time. Those that have lived here for a while call them pests and they are messy when they get on the deck and in the front yard…

Circling the feeder while they wait for it to spread the corn that they seem to know it holds. And people say they are stupid!

There are heavy Deer populations here in the Panhandle and I have literally hundreds of pics; so here are a few…

Deer everywhere

Having a go at the salt lick; the locals have recommended blocks with Selenium as it isn’t to be found here… The deer seem to like it

Even at night they hit the lick. This trail cam does a good job of night shots

Deer and Turkey together, this yearling seems to be a bit confused by all the activity

But mostly they all seem to just ignore each other

Deer disagree just like all living creatures do. These two seem to be at a standstill about who gets to eat under the feeder…

Several of my common visitors seem to have significant scaring, at least I think it is scaring…

This Doe seemed to have figured out where the “food” was coming from and decided to not wait to eat. I was never able to get a picture of her doing it but she’d stand up and knock the corn loose and then eat it up off the ground. Eventually I had to raise the feeder by 4 feet and that stopped it… Smart critter…


The weather is warming, and the Sun is shining almost daily! WOW, it feels good. That is until you get a long-sleeved shirt and boots on and run a chainsaw for a few hours… That said I keep thinking of the story of the ant and the grasshopper and so far, I feel like the ant. But we will be prepared for winter and in the meantime, I’m losing weight and working muscles that I had forgotten that I even had! A nice hot tub is sounding better and better…

For all my bird chasing buddies; here in the panhandle the game birds come to you! Dove & Quail together… And while I’m having a hard time getting pictures, Grouse have been semi-regular visitors to the ranch…

Dead Trees in need of cutting, another day of fun ahead…

Another One Down…

Now lets get this thing out where we can work on it. Once again the UTV pays for itself!

Now it’s were we can get to it

Strip it down to the bark and

Add the limbs to the pile and…

… haul away the “pole” to be cut to length

And repeat… UGH!

FLASHBACK! I had an Unexpected Visitor in early March, This magnificent beast came by a couple of times in about a week but hasn’t been back since. It gets the heart pumping when something this size is mere feet away; I was on the back deck when it visited last… These shots were captured by one of my trail cameras; I love these things!

Anybody in there??


Playing catchup… Yesterday (04222018), being a Sunday, was supposedly a day of rest so I did… Sort of. I rested from the “necessary” hard work and focused on “fun” hard work. After church I spent a few hours walking the property…

Property Trail

After checking the trail cameras I focused on making my “archery ground blind” into a usable location. It meant a lot of cutting and trimming and clearing but in the end, I have an excellent “hideout” that sits along two significant game trails. I have great hopes of filling the freezer this fall!

Between Bears, Wolves & Cougars it always pays to be prepared when in the great north woods.

Entrance to the blind Before…

Entrance to the blind After…

I did find a few “Natural Occurrences” on today’s walk…

Here is a “Rub”, both an old one (right) and a new one. This is caused when a buck is working to remove the velvet from his antlers and is a very good sign that mature bucks are on the property. At least during the mid to late summer…

Here is a small body of water that had frog eggs though they are hard to see. This likely won’t last that long but it is fun to see…

I came across this odd looking pile of stick and branches and branchs and decided for a closer look…

As I got closer I realized that things were moving! What the Heck???

Now I know why it looked like it was moving, it was! Carpenter Ants; millions of them! WOW, what a thing to see…