Liberal Preppers? Say What?

The American Redoubt & Liberal Preppers? What Did You Just Say?

This site is not meant to be political or controversial in any way and I had more or less promised myself that I wouldn’t do this but I just can’t help it. I found this story while reviewing American Redoubt and survivalist websites and laughed so hard it hurt! Really? Liberal Preppers? What Did I Just Say? My how things have changed…

Liberal Preppers Stock Up On Guns & Food As Trumpocalypse Looms

American Redoubt Bound Liberal Preppers?

liberal gun club enjoying their day

As I spent a little time and did a google for “liberal preppers” I was utterly amazed at the results.  Hundreds of news stories, websites, BLOGS, POD Casts on and on.  It’s fun to go from one story about an LP (liberal prepper) that just “thinks it makes sense to be prepared” to the rantings of another LP that this will all come down to Trump doing something crazy and unexpected. VERY entertaining but at the same time it makes me wonder; would some of them head to the American Redoubt?  I truly doubt it but there is always that chance… Makes ya think doesn’t it?

So it seems that the tables have turned and now there are those on the left that “feel” as if the world may come crashing down around them. Suddenly they see the sense in having food, medicine and the ability to defend yourself. That “secure feeling” that comes from knowing that you should do OK if things, for whatever reason, take a hard tun to Hades.

Most interesting of all is that they find themselves doing exactly what they have mocked and derided for years; in this case getting ready for the SHTF days that are coming… WOW, Liberal Preppers; ya just gotta laugh and go back to work…

Take My Job With Me?

take my job

So the question is; should I take my job with me?

I work leading a team of “operators”; basically, we use computers systems to do the work that we do and do not need to be “at” that computer to make that happen.  Welcome to the world of VPN’s, (Virtual Private Network) instant messaging with video & screen sharing and of course email and the telephone…

Should I Take My Job With Me to the American Redoubt

Should I Take My Job With Me to the American Redoubt?

With that in mind it got me thinking; since it does not matter where I am located, so long as I have internet access, what is to stop me from continuing to do my current job and more importantly, make the salary that I do? (this assumes that I’d be allowed to do this, a true unknown at this time!)  So I started thinking and realized that while on the surface this sounds ideal; it has a fair number of possible drawbacks and pitfalls.

pro & con list


  • Salary Maintained
  • Continue to add to retirement savings
  • Benefits (though not in my case)
  • Gives ability to spend $ as needed on homestead
  • Someone else works at homestead that 8 hours a day (saves my back?)


  • Working at a desk 8 hours a day
  • NOT working at homestead that 8 hours a day
  • Must pay someone else to work at homestead that 8 hours a day

your pro & con list

I believe everyone of you reading this will have your own pro & con list and it is highly likely that they will be greatly different than those I have listed here. So please share, offer up your thoughts, lets Lets Get The Conversation Going!

Deciding to Go…

not quite right?

Why are we “Deciding To Go”? Have you ever felt that things were “not quite right”? Looked around you as you did your day to day activities and felt “out of place” even though you had lived there all your life? Even my father in the last few years of his life used to tell me that “things” were changing. Well folks, things HAVE changed and things they ARE different. CRAZY BUSY all the time among other things… Of course many other places in the world experience the same things so we know this isn’t anything directed at us personally but we still feel it…

crowds, traffic, noise, pollution

And of course when people congregate to an area they bring with them all the things that large groups of people bring with them when they gather; crowds, traffic, noise, pollution, crime and on and on. Overall man as a species is very inconsiderate and uncaring about what we destroy, use up or impact with our day to day activities. This occurs even for those that work hard NOT to have that type of impact. Just the way it seems to be but we don’t like it…

state government

We also started to look closer at the state government and the things that they have done over the last 10 to 20 years. Overspending, overtaxing (indicating great wasting of money), sanctuary cities, extreme ideologies, corruption and and a very adamant hatred of the second amendment. State government is it’s own topic; so we’ll leave it at this for now…

deciding to go

We started by talking together and praying together and eventually came to the realization that we needed to make a change, get out of the sprawl of “civilization” and to a safe and hopefully less stressful life. Deciding to go we began moving towards that goal, the goal of finding an “out of the way” piece of property where we would have the freedom believe the way we wanted to believe, to remove ourselves from the constant hustle and bustle and in essence slow our lives down as we headed into our “golden years”. Odd that we are feeling the need to leave an area we’ve been in all of our lives and we end up realizing that a much better life may very well await us.
slow our lives down as we headed into our “golden years”

just how little we knew

The first thing we realized was just how little we knew, or worse, how incorrect the things that we “thought” we knew were. So, we began to read, study, discuss and plan for the basic questions of Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? We began to haunt blogs and “survival” type sites. (we don’t consider ourselves “preppers” or survivalists but found that these types of sites often held the most useful information). Initially the number of “things” to consider was overwhelming but we persisted and with that we had begun our journey to the American Redoubt.

document our journey

I wanted to document our journey, mainly in pictures of all the things that making this significant life change. Som here we go…