Category Archives: Now What?


Winter Damage in Need of Cleanup

Today was a day of cutting and clearing; lots of downed trees from the winter of 2017/2018. Of course there was plenty of downed material from the years before we arrived as well so I’m platying catchup! Go figure…

Cut Down, Trim Limbs and Move to an area to cut logs to length

Limbs & Logs… And my new chainsaw, a completly necessary tool in the redoubt

The days work in one big pile, looks like it’s time to do some burning

Prepping for Archery Season…

Of course all work and no play makes me a dull boy so I took some time to throw some arrows in preparation for archery season. My Mathews Halon 6 is a true pleasure to shoot! It’s so good it even makes ME look reasonably competent! This set is from 40 yards…

I try to walk the property on a daily basis, not only to get to know my property intimately but to get some much needed “relaxation” time. So I’ll make the effort to add a pic or two from those walks…

An Archery Ground Blind in the Making?

Today I found a very likely spot for an archery ground blind that sits along a major game trail that runs through the property. I know, it looks like a bunch of downed tree limbs, but with a bit of cleanup it’ll become a great ground blind. More to come on this if I do actually make this happen…

The game trail in question

Here is a shot of the game trail in question; I see both Deer and Elk droppings as I walk along it and I have high hopes of getting the activity documented and hopefully a few pictures from the trail cams. More to come as summer moves along. Speaking of Summer; it was 65 degrees today. The warmest day of 2018 so far in the American Redoubt!

A Friends Request!

I was asked to share photos of our life & times in the American Redoubt. I need to thank the person that asked for these; it will help to record the journey and our growth here and I had initially stated that I’d be doing just that… My first goal will be to get pics uploaded from today and forward and then add daily as best I can from the time we arrived (several months worth now) to today .